Missionaries of the Real Presence
Your gift helps us to build up the presence of the Catholic Church in areas that few know the truth of Catholicism and few venture to share the good news with.
See some of the ways you may support our mission below or click button to give to general fund

General Fund
The Missionaries are engaged in many areas to bring the Catholic faith in Milwaukee's inner-city areas. Donating here allows us to use your donation wherever the need is greatest. Our missionaries dedicate their entire lives to prayer and mission work. Your donations help us to focus on the mission we are called to. Without the support of donors like yourself, we could not sustain our mission.

Missionary Formation
The largest expense for our missionaries formation is our intellectual formation. Each missionary is enrolled part time taking classes in theology at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology as well as summer courses on the Religious Life at the Vita Consecrata Institute. This is currently budgeted at $4000 per missionary per year. This is very important so we can continue to be formed in the intellectual tradition of the Catholic Church so we can evangelize with the truth.