Sharing the Real Presence

In this newsletter
Success That Looks Like Failure by Robert Pauly
Realizing a Need for Discipleship by Griffin Rain
Upcoming Events
Needed Items
Success that looks like failure by Robert pauly
Recently when sharing with some people that I am leaving the mission, they saw it as a failure. Rather, what occurred in the past two years has been a success as it has opened my heart to see where God will continue to work on my heart in the months and years to come. Today, I explained to a priest at St. Anthony Parish that I was leaving, who thought the discernment was not successful. As I told him what had occurred, He could see the genuine joy I felt for the experience of the Milwaukee Missionary Experience. He said, “I will keep you in prayer and God Bless you.” As I continue searching for jobs, I know that the Lord will open doors to bring people and experiences into this new stage of life.
Just because each person has wounds to heal does not mean the person failed in God’s eyes. It means God is not ready for this person to work in this part of the vineyard. He is calling the person to take the knowledge they acquired and put it to use in the world for the glory of God, but not my own. To leave the mission means that the person has the potential to grow in other virtues and fruits of the Holy Spirit. God has other plans for the person that requires waiting and praying for the future to unfold in the world.
The Missionaries of the Real Presence helped me grow deeper in the Catholic faith and Tradition. By learning about the different parts of the Mass, it enriched how I can experience Christ in the inner heart. As the Psalmist says, “For you do not desire sacrifice or I would give it; / a burnt offering you would not accept. / My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a contrite, / humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn.” (51:18-19) I used to think that God gave us the Mass as something to complete the weekly checklist because that was what we were told to do. In fact, it is a far greater gift: Jesus gave up His Life to become friends with each person and to help us understand that the world is not where we ultimately belong. He came to befriend our fallen, wounded human nature so that we can rise with Him at the Resurrection when the end of time comes. He speaks in silence and through the Scriptures, which is the beauty of the meditations on the Rosary and Lectio Divina. In these, we continue to offer our intentions and lives to the Lord and allow Him to speak.
The High Calling program described what spiritual warfare is and how to fight old tendencies in order to regain control of life with help from God. It helped me realize that listening and accepting all the voices surrounding me without discerning what is from God has devastating effects in every relationship. The Devil is real; he cleverly distorts and twists the Gospel of Life, Love, and Generosity into hatred, selfishness, and ultimately death. There are many things the world offers to grasp our attention away from God that are not important to the spiritual life. It gave me a lot to pray with and understand what it means to follow Christ wholeheartedly and without reserve. God is the Creator and Giver of all things. He is capable of transforming fear and despair into hope; doubt into faith. Recognizing God has extended a helping hand in my life, I am taking time away from discernment to reconnect in new and varied ways. I am grateful to the Missionaries of the Real Presence for giving me a chance to become a new person in Christ.
Realizing a need for discipleship by Griffin rain
For the last three and a half years, I have been very focused on this mission work in the inner city area of Milwaukee. I've been sharing with others how abundant the harvest is, but the laborers are so few. What I have seen is many men attempting to answer the call, but coming to the realization that they aren't ready yet and need additional formation. I have continued on evangelizing, but am realizing that I may have missed something very important that is important to slow down and discern. I have realized that I have been too focused on one aspect of the mission and now God has shown me that he wants me to focus more on the formation of men as disciples rather than just the missionary work. He has been sending missionaries who were not ready, but still could be called, but I was struggling to see that until recently. I have focused on the missionary work without first walking with the men who have come and need formation to become true disciples.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
I have realized that I have focused far too much effort on the baptizing/evangelizing and far less on making disciples and teaching people all that Jesus has commanded. A successful mission is not about how many converts we see. Rather, if we make disciples, I have no doubt converts will come. One person on fire for the Lord can do much more than many lukewarm followers. Come Holy Spirit! Send down your fire upon us and help us become disciples of Jesus. With the new community, the Holy Spirit is giving us a gift for the building up of the church. It must be handed on to others if it will bear fruit. I see that this will require me to put more of my focus into formation.
I have been laboring hard in the mission field, but at this time I see that I need to step back from direct evangelization on a daily basis to help others to become evangelists. Right now I am by myself on this and I can't do it alone. I am looking for Catholics who desire to spread their faith with those outside the church. From that desire that God has put there, I have no doubt that you can become a disciple.
If you do not yet feel a desire to share the faith, I encourage you to do a few things to help you have holy desires. First allow yourself to be loved by God. Jesus came to save you from your sins. Reflect on all the sins you have committed, give them over to him in repentance and thank God for his great gift. Without his forgiveness we would have no hope of eternal life. Now think of all those who do not know this. Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers; we all know many people outside the church. We must show them the love of God, because he loved us first. Continue praying and asking the lord how he wants you to share his love with others.
I see that God is calling me into a new stage of forming this missionary community. I will focus on making disciples and handing on the charism that the Lord has been calling forth for the apostolic renewal of the church.
We were planning on having a mission center in the worst neighborhood in Milwaukee and diving into the mission. Instead, I see that the Lord is leading me to open a discipleship house near Marquette University where men can live in community while in college or working a job, while committing to a more intentional life of prayer, weekly formation and evangelization. This will be for men who desire to spread the gospel, but perhaps think that they are not ready yet. Please read about our plan below under Street Disciple House!
Street Disciple House - We have found a building that will be able to serve the needs of a new discipleship house located near Marquette University in the student neighborhood. Please join us in praying that the closing will go through. The house will be able to serve as a house for the full time missionaries as well as discerners who can live in community while in college or working another job. The men discerning will commit to some basic house rules that will help establish a consistent prayer life, engage in being formed to be a disciple and engage weekly evangelization work. If you are interested in this, please fill out our form here.
Upcoming Events
Come and See – We are encouraging men who are interested in our way of life to visit for a come and see. We encourage longer visits such as a week-long visit. We are open to having visitors most weeks so if you have a week that will work for you, contact us and we can have you for a visit. To set up a visit call/text (414) 235-7307 or e-mail
Missionary Associates – Join us for our next Missionary Associates Dinner. Next Month it will take place on the 3rd Thursday, October 23. This is for people who volunteer with the missionaries or are interested in volunteering/supporting our work. We hope that this continues building up the community around the missionaries, getting to know others and energizing more people to start working for the salvation of souls here in Milwaukee. This occurs at St. Anthony Catholic Church at 1711 S. 9th St. Milwaukee, WI 53204. The schedule for the event is as follows:
● Evening Prayer in the Church 5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
● Short talk by one of the missionaries 5:50 pm - 6:10 pm
● Dinner and socializing 6:15 pm onward
Needed Items
(Click underline for link to donate)
Street Evangelization/Preaching items
Amazon List (speaker, microphone, camera battery, note taker bible, voice recorder)
Gospel Cart (ordered from UK, maybe someone can build one cheaper? used for moveable pamphlet rack for stationary evangelization in busy locations)
Financial Donations for Missionary Formation & for a meal after our Sunday bible study
Wood 2x4's (8ft) for the Weekly Way of the Cross
Volunteers Needed
(Contact 414-235-7307 to help)
Volunteers to pick up people for 10:30 am Sunday Mass at Gesu. Many weeks we have to take two car loads with our five seater car.
Volunteer to pick up food from food bank every Wednesday at 8 am.
Saturday big group evangelization at high foot traffic area
About the Missionaries of the Real Presence
The Missionaries of the Real Presence aims to assist in the apostolic renewal of the church by intentionally discipling men living in community and encouraging missionary vocations in the church. We participate in Christ’s evangelizing work for the salvation of souls especially seeking out those who have been spiritually neglected. We introduce people to Jesus through intentional conversation, preaching, teaching, and prayer. We engage in direct evangelization in the public forum on the city streets, on public transit, in homes and share the good news of Christ with those we meet. All of this flows from a life of prayer and union with Jesus as our source.
Support the Mission, Join the Mission
If you appreciate the work we are doing, consider supporting our mission financially Here.
Volunteer with us with our street ministry and house visits Here
If reading about some of our stories inspires you, come and see what life as a missionary is like and visit us for a day or longer for prayer and ministry as you discern Here.
If you want to learn how we evangelize, consider watching videos on our YouTube Channel, Missionaries of the Real Presence
Check out our Facebook Here or our Instagram Here
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