Sharing the Real Presence

In this newsletter
Work of Human Hands by Griffin Rain
Reflections From Volunteering With the Mission
Upcoming Events
Needed Items
Work of Human Hands by Griffin Rain
Most of my newsletter articles are about some part of the mission work itself, but today I felt the Lord calling me to share an experience of the prayer that feeds the mission, specifically the Mass and the Eucharist. Last week I was very busy with final papers and I went to a Mass that I don’t normally attend because it worked well with my schedule for that day. I was about an hour early for Mass to make a Holy Hour. About 30 minutes before Mass, the sacristan was frantically looking around for altar bread which they had run out of. He did not know where to get unleavened bread last minute. I immediately thought I could go and make some bread for Mass. So I ran back home, started the oven and mixed together a little bit of wheat flour and water into a few thin pieces of bread, cooked it and then made it back with some fresh unleavened bread about two minutes before Mass was set to begin.
In order for Mass to occur, there must be bread and wine. Without it, there cannot be Mass. The ten people who showed up to receive our Lord’s body, blood, soul and divinity would have been unable to receive their daily nourishment of body and soul. During the offertory, the priest says, “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become for us the bread of life.”
At this moment I was struck that this offering was the work of my human hands. I was humbled that what I could do could contribute in such a way to this offering and how often I neglect to make a full offering of myself at Mass. If we offered everything that we are in union with Jesus in the Mass, we would live very differently. The offertory is our time to unite all of our works and our entire life with that of Christ as he is being offered to the Father. What do you bring to the Mass?
From the Mass, we are sent forth to proclaim the good news of Jesus to the world. If we only go through the motions or purposely hold back our offering of our lives, we are missing this profound encounter with Jesus who now lives in us. All of the good works that we do are Him who is alive in us. Will we give ourselves wholly to Him? The Mass is our opportunity for this. I could not be a missionary without the Mass. A missionary is one who is sent out. The Mass is our opportunity to draw close to Christ and then be sent out as his disciples.
But how can they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent? Rom 10:14-15
Reflections from volunteering with the mission
I usually have a few people a week come to evangelize with me in the mission field. If you come and evangelize and have a reflection that you would like to share, I would be happy to share it here on our newsletter. I am inviting you to share with us what God has been doing through your evangelization work with the missionaries. You may send submissions by email.
"Following Griffin and Robert this summer while doing the Way of the Cross with them, brought about Epic, Radical changes in my soul-at least during those few hours of evangelizing. Ailments of all kinds disappeared, whenever walking in the shadow of the cross with them. It was so profound that it has become clear that the way to being cured of life's woes, is to follow the Cross, quite literally, step by step, through the streets of Milwaukee. Come, follow Him on Fridays. Give yourself away and be healed." - Bonnie
Upcoming Events
Christmas Caroling with the Missionaries - We are Christmas caroling leading up to Christmas. Come and joining us for caroling Tuesday December 17th at 6pm outside of the main entrance of the 3rd Street Market Hall. We will also have flyers for inviting people to Gesu Parish's Christmas Masses. Additionally we we be caroling at the sentry foods at 7101 W Lisbon Ave on Monday December 23rd with flyers for Mother of Good Counsel Parish and after the 4pm Gesu Christmas Eve Mass leaving from the narthex.
Lunch in the Park - We will be serving food at the Cream City Garden homeless camp (1307 N 13th st) this Saturday December 21st from 12pm to 1pm. Our friend Joel purchased a hot dog cart and would like to start serving a monthly meal for the poor in Milwaukee. We will work along side him and we need volunteers to help set up and take down tables and chairs. Volunteers are encouraged to have a meal with those we are serving and share in conversations about life and faith.
Come and See – We are encouraging men who are interested in our way of life to visit for a come and see. We encourage longer visits such as a week-long visit. We are open to having visitors most weeks so if you have a week that will work for you, contact us and we can have you for a visit. To set up a visit call/text (414) 235-7307 or e-mail
Missionary Associates – Join us for our next Missionary Associates Dinner. This month it will take place on Thursday, December 19th. This is for people who volunteer with the missionaries or are interested in volunteering/supporting our work. We hope that this continues building up the community around the missionaries, getting to know others and energizing more people to start working for the salvation of souls here in Milwaukee. This occurs at the Street Disciple House located at 2126 W Michigan St. Milwaukee, WI 53233. The schedule for the event is as follows:
● Evening Prayer 5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
● Short talk from former missionary, Steven Kehoe with discussion 5:50 pm - 6:10 pm
● Dinner and socializing 6:15 pm onward
*Associate dinners in future months will now typically be on the 4th Monday of the month starting on January 27th, 2025
Needed Items
(Click underline for link to donate)
Street Disciple House Items
Dressers, twin size beds & frames, serving table, serving table, china cabinet
Street Evangelization/Preaching Items
Amazon List (speaker, microphone, camera battery, note taker bible, voice recorder)
Financial Donations for Missionary Formation & for a meal after our Sunday bible study
Wood 2x4's (8ft) for the Weekly Way of the Cross
Volunteers Needed
(Contact 414-235-7307 to help)
Volunteer to pick up food from food bank every Wednesday at 8 am.
Way of the Cross through the city streets. Fridays @ 2 pm @ 12th and Wisconsin av.
Saturday big group evangelization at high foot traffic area 10:30 am - 2:30 pm
About the Missionaries of the Real Presence
The Missionaries of the Real Presence aims to assist in the apostolic renewal of the church by intentionally discipling men living in community and encouraging missionary vocations in the church. We participate in Christ’s evangelizing work for the salvation of souls especially seeking out those who have been spiritually neglected. We introduce people to Jesus through intentional conversation, preaching, teaching, and prayer. We engage in direct evangelization in the public forum on the city streets, on public transit, in homes and share the good news of Christ with those we meet. All of this flows from a life of prayer and union with Jesus as our source.
Support the Mission, Join the Mission
If you appreciate the work we are doing, consider supporting our mission financially Here.
Volunteer with us with our street ministry and house visits Here
If reading about some of our stories inspires you, come and see what life as a missionary is like and visit us for a day or longer for prayer and ministry as you discern Here.
If you want to learn how we evangelize, consider watching videos on our YouTube Channel, Missionaries of the Real Presence
Check out our Facebook Here or our Instagram Here
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