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You are god's gift

Writer's picture: Missionaries of the Real PresenceMissionaries of the Real Presence

Sharing the Real Presence

View from an airplane window, showing a sprawling cityscape below. The aircraft's wing is visible against a clear blue sky.

In this newsletter

  1. You Are God's Gift by Griffin Rain

  2. Reflections From Volunteering With the Mission

  3. Upcoming Events

  4. Needed Items

You Are God's Gift by Griffin Rain

Our society seems to be more and more focused on the question, “what is my identity?” This can be a very difficult and challenging question for many people until they find their identity as a beloved child of God. We see many people finding their identities and things that put them at odds with the truth about who they are and who God is.

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” -Augustine’s Confessions book 1

There have been two recent conversations that I have had with two individuals who were raised Catholic, but have since stopped practicing. Every person is looking for their identity and if they don’t find it in God, they will look elsewhere. We need to remind everyone that they are beloved children of God.

I was talking with someone who identified as transgender. I approached the conversation like I often do by asking many questions to see where the person is at with faith such as, did you grow up in the church? What is your family think about this? How has this affected your relationship with God? Do you know that God still loves you? It became clear through this conversation that the person that I was talking to was longing to find their true identity. It's not going to be in changing their gender. It's in finding that no matter what they do, God still loves them. To those that are struggling with this confusion brought about by accepting a false identity need to know now their true identity in God. God is love. God is unchanging. God will continue to love you no matter what you do, unconditional love. You do not need to go searching everywhere else for conditional love. You need not prove that you are lovable since he created you out of love and continues to love you. Will you accept his gift of love?

Another story while I was returning from a trip, I was having a conversation with a woman who was across the aisle from me on a plane. She was reading a book with a very provocative title and I was a bit intimidated to bring that up. My first attempt to start a conversation was shut down as she said she was tired and going to try to go to sleep. It seemed she did not even try to go to sleep and I was feeling drawn by the Holy Spirit trying to have this conversation. Since she originally said that she did not want to talk, this time I just asked directly about the book that she was reading and asked what her values were. She continued to not want to talk. Finally as we were getting closer to arrival, I asked her why out of all the books that one could read, did she pick that one. This time she finally opened up and said that she was bullied as a child and she struggles with self-confidence especially with her appearance. She said that reading books like this helped her have more confidence in herself since she was often looking for affirmation from others and seemingly being taken advantage of. I told her that I was sorry that that happened and that I too was bullied as a kid. It was not until I experienced the love of God poured out for me in the confessional and realizing that I was a beloved Son of the father that I no longer had to put my identity in what others thought of me or my own works.

When we realize our true identity as beloved children of God, we can be who we really are. We don't have to make ourselves lovable because we are already loved and beautiful the way God created us to be. No we are not perfect, but we are perfectly loved. We are made perfect when we are brought back into union with Christ and remain with him. What a great gift God has given us with our lives. Do we accept this gift or do we try to change it? The world says to change it in order to be loved, but God loves us as we are. He calls us to give the gift of our lives, broken as they are as a gift because that is what we are, a gift from God the Father.

Does this mean that we remain in our sins and don’t even try to improve? Not at all! If we do that, we reject the gift. We have been given a stewardship over our bodies and must glorify God in them.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body. 1 Cor 6:19-20

Our value is not in just the body as the world would think. Our body is a gift and we need to take care of it. Not out of vanity but as a stewardship of the gift God has given us. Each of us have been given such a great gift, but we may not even realize it if we are always comparing ourselves with others. Compared to the next person we will never be enough. When we are who God made us to be, we realize we are enough when we are embraced by his love.

Upcoming Events

Be sure to check the bottom of our homepage for our upcoming events calendar

Lunch in the Park - We will be serving food at the Cream City Garden homeless camp (1307 N 13th st) Saturday February 15th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Volunteers are needed! After two months of this, we realize that there should be two teams of people volunteering. 1) those who are more focused on giving out the food and serving. 2) those who engage in conversation those who are in line, already got their food and or stepping in to clam down people if people get heated.

Come and See – We are encouraging men who are interested in our way of life to visit for a come and see. We encourage longer visits such as a week-long visit. We are open to having visitors most weeks so if you have a week that will work for you, contact us and we can have you for a visit. To set up a visit call/text (414) 235-7307 or e-mail


Missionary Associates – Join us for our next Missionary Associates Dinner. This month it will take place on Monday February 27th. This is for people who volunteer with the missionaries or are interested in volunteering/supporting our work. We hope that this continues building up the community around the missionaries, getting to know others and energizing more people to start working for the salvation of souls here in Milwaukee. This occurs at the Street Disciple House located at 2126 W Michigan St. Milwaukee, WI 53233. The schedule for the event is as follows:

●             Evening Prayer 5:30 pm - 5:45 pm

●             Short talk from Griffin with discussion 5:50 pm - 6:10 pm

●             Dinner and socializing 6:15 pm onward

If you can't make it this time, plan for the 4th Monday of each month. If you would like to be on our text updates list, please text (414)235-7307 your name and we will add you.

Needed Items

(Click underline for link to donate)

  • Street Disciple House Items

    • Dressers, twin size beds & frames, serving table, serving table, china cabinet

  • Street Evangelization/Preaching Items

    • Amazon List (microphone, camera battery, note taker bible, voice recorder)

  • Financial Donations for Missionary Formation and Street Disciple House

  • Wood 2x4's (8ft) for the Weekly Way of the Cross

Volunteers Needed

(Contact 414-235-7307 to help)

  • Way of the Cross through the city streets. Fridays @ 2 pm @ 12th and Wisconsin av.

  • Saturday big group evangelization at high foot traffic area 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

About the Missionaries of the Real Presence

The Missionaries of the Real Presence aims to assist in the apostolic renewal of the church by intentionally discipling men living in community and encouraging missionary vocations in the church. We participate in Christ’s evangelizing work for the salvation of souls especially seeking out those who have been spiritually neglected. We introduce people to Jesus through intentional conversation, preaching, teaching, and prayer. We engage in direct evangelization in the public forum on the city streets, on public transit, in homes and share the good news of Christ with those we meet. All of this flows from a life of prayer and union with Jesus as our source.

Support the Mission, Join the Mission

If you appreciate the work we are doing, consider supporting our mission financially Here.

Volunteer with us with our street ministry and house visits Here

If reading about some of our stories inspires you, come and see what life as a missionary is like and visit us for a day or longer for prayer and ministry as you discern Here.

If you want to learn how we evangelize, consider watching videos on our YouTube Channel, Missionaries of the Real Presence

Check out our Facebook Here or our Instagram Here

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